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Ramnath Dixit

The Art of Thinking Clearly


How often we find ourselves guilty of making decisions that we repent soon after? Decision-making is often confused as an inborn ability to make sound judgments; however it is seldom viewed upon as a process that can be perfected by adhering to a logical process.

In his international best seller book, “The Art of Thinking Clearly” author Rolf Dobelli lists down pitfalls and biases that we as human beings are prone to while making critical decisions. The book deep dives into human psychology that impacts decision making, both in routine life as well as in business scenarios. The book comprises of 99 short chapters, each one focusing on a different perspective and insight on the decision making process. Each chapter is distinct and hence the reader has no obligation to read page after page. One can simply pick any chapter and get going.

Anyone wanting to improvise their ability to call the right shots (especially when it matters), has to read this book. It is simple yet outstanding in its narration and easy on the mind. Filled with rich insights and delightful stories, the book is an eye opener of sorts in many ways.

Read “The Art of Thinking Clearly” for its marvelous insights and rich perspectives. If you are contemplating picking your next book for some much-need wisdom; go for this one. It will be a decision you won’t regret!


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